
Anzahl der Treffer (Daten werden monatlich aktualisiert): 44134
Weiter Weiter| 43961 - 43970 | 43971 - 43980|43981 - 43990 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 35964-2023

证券及相关金融工具 金融工具分类(CFI)编码

Securities and related financial instruments—Classification of financial instrument(CFI)code

GB/T 42777-2023

基于文本数据的金融风险防控 知识图谱构建技术框架指南

Financial risk prevention and control based on text data—Technical framework guidelines for knowledge graph construction

GB/T 30523-2023


Science and technology resource core metadata

GB/T 42776-2023


Classification of science and technology evaluation

GB/T 32842-2023


Urban public bicycle traffic service specification

GB/T 42815-2023


Specification of description for bond pricing indicator products

GB/T 37036.9-2023

信息技术 移动设备生物特征识别 第9部分:测试方法

Information technology—Biometrics used with mobile devices—Part 9: Testing methods

GB/T 42757-2023


Evaluation index system and calculation method of intelligent manufacturing level

GB/T 42598-2023

机械安全 使用说明书 起草通则

Safety of machinery—Instruction handbook—General drafting principles

GB/T 42674-2023

光学功能薄膜 微结构厚度测试方法

Optical functional films—Measurement method for microstructure thickness

Anzahl der Treffer (Daten werden monatlich aktualisiert): 44134
Weiter Weiter| 43961 - 43970 | 43971 - 43980|43981 - 43990 |Weiter Weiter