
Anzahl der Treffer (Daten werden monatlich aktualisiert): 79557
Weiter Weiter| 79321 - 79330 | 79331 - 79340|79341 - 79350 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 25120-2023

轨道交通 机车车辆牵引变压器和电抗器

Railway applications—Traction transformers and inductors on board rolling stock

GB/T 43396-2023

感官分析 产品感官宣称证实导则

Sensory analysis—Guidance on substantiation for sensory and consumer product claims

GB/T 14308-2023


Classification and accreditation for star-rated tourist hotels

GB/T 43417-2023


Fitting of scoliosis orthoses for children and adolescents

GB/T 27921-2023

风险管理 风险评估技术

Risk management—Risk assessment techniques

GB/T 27000-2023

合格评定 词汇和通用原则

Conformity assessment—Vocabulary and general principles

GB/T 42926-2023


Specification of financial information system cybersecurity risk assessment

GB/T 42927-2023


Financial industry open source software evaluation specification

GB/T 42930-2023

互联网金融 个人身份识别技术要求

Internet finance—Technical requirements for personal identification

GB/T 42909-2023


Electrically conductive adhesive tape for wireless terminal equipment application

Anzahl der Treffer (Daten werden monatlich aktualisiert): 79557
Weiter Weiter| 79321 - 79330 | 79331 - 79340|79341 - 79350 |Weiter Weiter